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Karmabunny Blog

Introducing Resiz-o-Tron

Posted in Technology

For a long time Karmabunny have been users of open source software; therefore we are proud to give back to the community with our first open source product, Resiz-O-Tron.

It's a desktop Windows application for bulk resizing of images.

Many of our clients have had a problem with supplied images that are too large too efficiently upload and use on their website. Web servers have file size upload limits and can sometimes struggle to resize very large images once they are uploaded. This problem is further increased by modern digital cameras and phones which produce very large images - upwards of 12 megapixels.

We looked around for a simple tool that we could suggest for our clients and couldn't find anything suitable for our needs. We needed something which worked correctly and quickly, but was also very easy to use. It was also a benefit if the software could be run without an installer. So we built one!

Even though everyone in the office uses OS X or Linux, we wrote it for Windows because that's what most of our clients are using. We might do an OS X version in the future if there is enough demand for it. It's been tested on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. We use the .NET framework 2.0, which is available as standard from Windows Vista onwards. By targeting an older version of the framework, we avoid users needing to install anything extra to use the app.

More info and download

We hope that you find this useful - let us know how you go!

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