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Account management

At relevant intervals in the project's development, you will be asked to sign off on key milestones with your account manager, Darren Coulter.

These milestones will typically be broken down into:

  • Sitemap finalisation
  • Design approval (including individual graphic elements)
  • Functionality approval (on any interactive elements)
  • Launch readiness

For more on this see 'Working with us'.

Task management

Karmabunny uses a proprietary in-house task management suite that allows us to organise jobs into priority based lists and delegate them to appropriate staff. Automated email and sms communications are triggered if job deadlines are approaching and when jobs are complete.

Clients can be added to this automated system if they wish to be kept in close contact with tasks associated with their project.

Our staff is able to complete the majority of your routine update requests within two business days, and in many cases within 24 hours. We will make every effort to correct urgent issues the same day. Non-urgent requests requiring more than one hour of labor may need tobe scheduled depending on work load.

Code maintenance & redundancy

All code written for your website is stored in a local 'subversion' repository that allows multiple people to work on the same website without fear of over-writing work and keeps a complete history of all changes made, including notes and a record of the person who made the changes. This system also allows us to easily revert back to previous versions of a piece of code if required.

These repositories are then backed up to a redundant raid of hard drives within our office and then to an offsite hard drive on a daily basis.

If your website's final resting place is on a server that we manage, we will personally receive SMS and email alerts if the site is showing signs of stress (we have preset 'trouble' indicators) or if it should lose connection with the world for some reason.

What our clients are saying

Karmabunny have been fantastic at meeting our needs for many years, as a not for profit we need sites that will work hard for us but also be accessible for people with disabilities. Karmabunny meets that criteria time after time.

Want to get webby with us?

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